Reading Site Admin Parameters



User's Requirement


Need to read SiteAdmin Parameter



Proposed Solution


During the Login into the Project it is necessary to read a Site Admin Parameter. In the case there is a particular value it is not allowed to access to the Project and show the warning message.




Implementation on the Product


Suppose the parameter consists in a value indicated if the project is in maintenance. If so only administrator could access.


Name of the Parameter: PROJECT_IN_MAINTENANCE


We will insert code into the CanLogin to verify if there is the name of the project in the parameter value. In this case, if user is not the administrator, the function will return False and a warning window will show the message.



Function CanLogin(DomainName, ProjectName, UserName)

On Error Resume Next

Dim Res

Res = True


'Call the function that returns:

'True if the project is in maintenance

'False otherwise

if vidCheckPrjMaintenance then

   msgbox "Project in Maintenance", vbExclamation + vbSystemModal, "Access Forbidden"

   Res = False

end if


CanLogin = Res


On Error Goto 0

End Function



Function vidCheckPrjMaintenance

On Error Resume Next


Dim Res

Res = False


'test if inside the parameter value there is the ProjectName
if instr(TDConnection.TDParams("PROJECT_IN_MAINTENANCE"), TDConnection.ProjectName) > 0 then

 'in positive case I check if user is not an administrator.
  if not (User.IsInGroup("TDAdmin")) then
   Res = True
  end if
end if


vidCheckPrjMaintenance = Res


On Error Goto0

End Function





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