Simulate Execution from Excel Data



User's Requirement


Update QC information about Execution of Test make outside the product and saved in an external Excel Spreadsheet.



Proposal Solution


Create a TestSet under Unattached folder, link TestCases to it (these must be in TestPlan), create Run and Steps for each Test Instance and update their data taking info from the excel file. All this using an external vbscript.






Implementation OUTSIDE the Product


The implementation is an external vbscript (.vbs file) that, using OTA API, will do these operations:


  • Connect to the Project
  • Creation of a fake TestSet under Unattached Folder
  • Link Test Cases to the TestSet (the location of the Tests must be give as input by a TestPlan Path constant under which there are the Tests).
  • Do a loop for each TestInstance and create the Run Object and the same number of Steps of the Design Steps of the original Test
  • Update Step Data retrieving info from the excel sheet
  • Disconnect from the Project and QC.


Suppose the data into the excel file are in this order:

  • TestName                      - Col B
  • StepName                      - Col J
  • Actual Result                  - Col M
  • Status                           - Col N
  • Tester                           - Col O


Here the code:


'Steps to follow:
'1. Connection to QC and Project
'2. Creation of an empty TestSet (for the moment only under "Unattached" folder)
'3. Link Tests to the empty TestSet
'4. Create a Loop for each TestInstance of the TestSet
' 4.1 For each TestInstance Create the Run Object
'  4.1.1 From the Run Object create Steps, from StepFactory, that are the same of the Designed Test
'  4.1.2 For each Step update all fields from the designed test, the status and the actual result from the excel sheet

'         C O N S T A N T S     D E F I N I T I O N
Const QC_ADDRESS = ""
Const DOMAIN = "Default"
Const QCADMINUSR = "qcadmin"
Const QCADMINPWD = "qcpwd"


'Suppose all Tests are under the path below. 
'Tests can be also under subfolders of this path
'Tests MUST be NOT directly under Subject Folder

Const PATH_TESTPLAN = "Subject\MyFolder1\MyFolder2"                   

Const EXCEL_FILE = "C:\temp\myFile.xls"

'         V A R I A B L E S     D E F I N I T I O N
Dim tdc, objTestSet, objTestInstanceList, objTestInstance

Dim objRun, objStep, objTest
Dim arrPath_TP, idPrevFold, idLastFolder, myComm, RecSet, strAbsPAth

Dim strAllFolderID, strStepData
Dim XLS, wkb, wks
Dim myShell

set myShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

'   1. Connection to QC and Project
set tdc = createobject("tdapiole80.tdconnection.1")

tdc.InitConnectionEx QC_ADDRESS
tdc.Connect    DOMAIN,     PROJECT

myShell.Popup "I'm connected to the Project " & PROJECT, 2, "QC Project Connection", 64

'   2. Creation of an empty TestSet (it will be stored under "Unattached" folder
on error resume next
set objTestSet = tdc.TestSetFactory.AddItem("TestSet_FakeExecution")
if err.number = 0 then
 myShell.Popup "Creation of TestSet under Unattached folder has been done", 2, "QC TestSet Creation", 64
end if

'       3. Link Test to the Empty TestSet

'In this case I need to retrieve all the Tests under the PATH_TESTPLAN.
'To do this I need to do a query to retrieve the AL_ABSOLUTE_PATH of the
'PATH_TESTPLAN and then retrieve all the folder that begin with that path.
'After this I can retrieve all the Tests under those folders.

strAllFolderID = ""
set myComm = tdc.Command

arrPath_TP = split(PATH_TESTPLAN,"\")
'I suppose the 1st element of the array is "Subject" so I analyze from the 2nd
'AL_ITEM_ID of the "Subject" Folder is 2
idPrevFold = 2
for i=1 to ubound(arrPath_TP)
 'I do a query to retrieve the correct ID of the i-element folder.
 myComm.CommandText = "SELECT AL_ITEM_ID FROM ALL_LISTS " & _
       "WHERE " & _
       "AL_ITEM_DESCRIPTION = '" & arrPath_TP(i) & "' AND " & _
       "AL_FATHER_ID = " & idPrevFold
 set RecSet = myComm.Execute   
 idPrevFold = RecSet.FieldValue(0)   
 set RecSet = Nothing
idLastFolder = idPrevFold
strAllFolderID = CStr(idLastFolder)
'Now idPrevFold is the correct ID of the last folder of PATH_TESTPLAN and

'from it I can retrieve the AL_ABSOLUTE_PATH
      "WHERE " & _
      "AL_ITEM_ID = " & idLastFolder
set RecSet = myComm.Execute
strAbsPath = RecSet.FieldValue(0)
set RecSet = Nothing
'Query to retrieve all the Folders and Subfolders under the last folder of PATH_TESTPLAN
myComm.CommandText = "SELECT AL_ITEM_ID FROM ALL_LISTS " & _
      "WHERE AL_ABSOLUTE_PATH LIKE '" & strAbsPath & "%'"
set RecSet = myComm.Execute
if RecSet.RecordCount > 0 then
 Do While Not(RecSet.EOR)
  strAllFolderID = strAllFolderID & "," & CStr(RecSet.FieldValue(0))
end if
set RecSet = Nothing

'strAllFolderID is a string variable contains all the ID of the Folders
'starting from the last folder of PATH_TESTPLAN constant

'for each element of this array I have to retrieve the list of Tests under it.
'I will do a query again. This time on TEST table.
myComm.CommandText = "SELECT TS_TEST_ID FROM TEST " & _

                                   "WHERE TS_SUBJECT IN (" & strAllFolderID & ")"

set RecSet = myComm.Execute
myShell.Popup "I'm going to link Tests to the TestSet " objTestSet.Name, _

                    2, "QC Link Tests To TestSet", 64
if RecSet.RecordCount > 0 then
 Do While Not(RecSet.EOR)
  ' Add Test to the TestSet
  objTestSet.TSTestFactory.AddItem RecSet.FieldValue(0)    
end if
set RecSet = Nothing



'    4. Create a Loop for each TestInstance of the TestSet

'4.0 Open the Excel File
set XLS = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
XLS.Visible = False
set Wkb = XLS.Workbooks.Open(EXCEL_FILE)
set Wks = Wkb.WorkSheets(1)

'Create the List of TestInstance
set objTestInstanceList = objTestSet.TSTestFactory.NewList("")

myShell.Popup "I'm going to create Fake Run and Steps for each TestInstance", _

                    2, "QC Creation of Fake Executions", 64

'4.1 For each TestInstance Create the Run Object
For each TestInstance in objTestInstanceList
 set objTestInstance = objTestSet.TSTestFactory.Item(TestInstance.ID)  
 'Add the Run Object. Run Name will be

  '    (if month and day are less than 10 it will consist on 1 digit char)
  set objRun = objTestInstance.RunFactory.AddItem("Run_Fake_" & objTestInstance.ID & year(date) & month(date) & day(date))
   objRun.Field("RN_EXECUTION_DATE") = Date
   objRun.Field("RN_EXECUTION_TIME") = Time
   'Now I will create for the Run the same number of Steps according to the Design Test
   'Retrieve Design Test Informations
   set objTest = tdc.TestFactory.Item(objTestInstance.TestID)
    'retrieve the DesignStepList
    set objDesStepList = objTest.DesignStepFactory.NewList("")
     'I create a loop to retrieve DesignStep Informations
     for each DesStep in objDesStepList
      'Create the Step for the Run object with the same info of the DesignStep
      set objStep = objRun.StepFactory.AddItem(DesStep.Name)
       objStep.Field("ST_DESCRIPTION") = DesStep.StepDescription
       objStep.Field("ST_EXPECTED") = DesStep.StepExpectedResult
       objStep.Field("ST_DESSTEP_ID") = DesStep.ID
       objStep.Field("ST_TEST_ID") = objTest.ID       
       objStep.Field("ST_EXECUTION_DATE") = Date
       objStep.Field("ST_EXECUTION_TIME") = Time
       'Here put the value of Status and Actual from excel
       'call a function that return Status and Actual result in a string variable
       'I pass the info of TestName, StepName to the function
       strStepData = strDataFromExcel(wks, objTest.Name, DeStep.Name)
       'strStepData is a string consist of 3 values, Status, ActualResult and Tester, separated from " || " chars.
       if len(strStepData) > 0 then
        objStep.Status = split(strStepData, " || ")(0)
        objStep.Field("ST_ACTUAL") = split(strStepData, " || ")(1)       
       end if
      set objStep = Nothing
    set objDesStepList = Nothing
   set objTest = Nothing
   if len(strStepData) > 0 then
    objRun.Field("RN_TESTER_NAME") = split(strStepData, " || ")(2))  
   end if
  set objRun = Nothing
  if len(strStepData) > 0 then
   objTestInstance.Field("TC_TESTER_NAME") = split(strStepData, " || ")(2))
  end if
  objTestInstance.Field("TC_EXEC_DATE") = Date
  objTestInstance.Field("TC_EXEC_TIME") = Time
 set objTestInstance = Nothing

'Destroy all the objects
set objTestInstanceList = Nothing
set Wks = Nothing


set wkb = Nothing
set XLS = Nothing

set objTestSet = Nothing

set tdc = Nothing

myShell.Popup "End Of Program!!!", 2, "QC Fake Execution Creation", 64

set myShell = Nothing



'    Function to Retrieve Information from Excel Sheet
Public Function strDataFromExcel(theSheet, strTestName, strStepName)
Dim Res, bolFound, c, r
Res = ""
bolFound = False
r = 2 'start from 2nd row
'Suppose TestName is under B Column (2nd position) and StepName is under J Column (10th position)

do while Not(bolFound)
 if theSheet.Cells(r,2).Value  = strTestName And _
    theSheet.Cells(r,10).Value = strStepName then
    bolFound = True
    r = r + 1
 end if

if bolFound then
 'Step is found, retrieve information about Status, Actual Result and also Tester (Responsible Tester)
 'Suppose Actual Result is on M Column, Status is on N Column and Tester is on O column
 strStatusExcel  = wks.Cells(r,14).Value
 strActualResult = wks.Cells(r,13).Value
 strTesterName   = wks.Cells(r,15).Value
 Res = strStatusExcel & " || " & strActualResult & " || " & strTesterName
end if

strDataFromExcel = Res

End Function


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